couple is it possible to love so much? i have been given this gift of loving my babies so much it is an incredible, supernatural thing that i can not even describe! we just got back from the park. we tried a new park today, it is right next to the police station, it's on the same property, i was a little nervous cause i thought that there could be weirdos there, but then there's police so it might balance out...bla, bla, bla...there was only one other mom and her son...anyway, it was a complete blast! i had so much fun with my kids. i was running around with sawyer he was chasing my shadow and trying to step on it, annabelle was climbing like a ninja, she was amazing. i couldn't believe the things she was willing to do, she was so brave, i was so proud of her. i just can't thank God enough for giving me the most perfect (to me) kids! i can't get over the fact that i was chosen to be their mommy. i can live in this small little house, (dirty right now but hey...) drive an older car, wear the same ol' clothes, but i am completely blessed, beyond my wildest imagination! i have the most goofy, hilarious, hard working, responsible, amazing husband and two of the most beautiful inside and out children and if that wasn't enough, i have friends that i know would do anything for me...thank you God for this gift called my life!
just a little update on the workout queen (that's me). since that post a while ago, where i couldn't finish the boot camp class??? well, i have been working my bootie off (literally) i've lost weight and i am so much stronger. last thursday i went to boot camp, i felt amazing. i was strong enough to not only complete the class but do well. i wasn't wussing out! afterward i was telling jesse about it, i almost started crying (so dorky I know) but i was proud of myself for changing my body. i've got more weight to lose and muscle to build but i'm on the right path. (i really want to be at my best by my 30th birthday january 11th) i can do it! i'm excited to see what else i can accomplish, if i decide to work hard and be disciplined!
my friend bonnie gave me this verse a while ago and it's on my fridge...
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7
thanks bonnie, i love you!
9 months ago
I am so proud of you for working so hard! Doesn't it feel amazing?
I don't feel amazing since I've been sick for 2 weeks and haven't set foot in agym in as long.
Glad you had a fun day at the park!
You are an awesome Mom Kelly. Someday your kids will say "How did we get such a great Mom, what a privelege to be raised by the best"!!! Good job on the workouts too, you are a strong, amazing woman!
You're such a good mom Kelly!! Way to go getting healthy for your family too!! You're an inspiration!
Hey friend - nice job on the new hot bod. Too bad those crummy New Kids won't get a chance to see it! Love you.
Hi there my friend....
so I know this is such a funny way to get a hold of you, but I have a question for you. Who made you that way cute apron you were wearing at the last barn house sale? I love it tons!!
Thanks girly....
Hey Kelly. I feel like I could just ditto your entire post. Gods blessings are endless! I am also trying to get a hot bod before I hit 30! Although I only have til Christmas. Any specific thing you're doing? It's always good to hear what others are doing to mix it up and not get bored. P.S. I hate running. Love love.
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