they miss their daddy and i miss my man! sawyer (who should be sleeping) is sitting next to me, he just looked at this picture and lit up!
"da da da dats daddy! why he not home from woak!"
he got tears in his eyes, I reminded him that he'll be home in a few days and he said with tears, "he not coming home???"
"yes, very soon honey don't be sad!"
annabelle has had a couple of daddy breakdowns!
jesse is on a five day hike with the guys from our church. they started at heavens gate and are descending into hell's canyon then taking a two hour jet boat ride out. his pack weighed 50lbs! i couldn't carry that thing 10 feet, let alone carry it for 5 days! what a man! he loves this kinda stuff, this is what makes him him!
jesse is so special to me. i keep saying he really is the perfect man for me! he is! everything about him completes me. it really is amazing that god created jesse to be my husband. i am so grateful and thankful and i'd like him back now! come home babe!
8 months ago
Oh, that is so hard. Aren't you glad we aren't single moms? I struggle any time Tony goes somewhere least they ARE coming home. I know I certainly couldn't do it alone. I'll be thinking about you this week.
Hi Kelly!! How funny that you found me through Becky! What's even funnier is that last week I checked out your blog through her's but didn't recognize you. I didn't know your married name either. Your kids are SO cute!! I'm glad to hear life is good! I'm sure your sister told you I saw her at Becky's the other day. Small world!
Hi! Oh my gosh - 5 nights - that is a looong time! I do a whole poor me thing when Larry leaves for one night :)
I bet he had fun but will be so happy to see his family. Glad you liked the headband! I thought that color combo would be great for you. Hope to see you soon!
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