Saturday, April 17, 2010

sawyer berkeley atwood is 4 today, sunday april 18th...
i love this boy.
he always goes #2 till his legs "go tinglely"
he asks tough questions about God, death, bad guys
he is really smart and he knows it
he loves his sister and he calls her "sister" (which cracks me up)
he would rather stay home then go somewhere
he loves wearing jammies
he would just wear his undies all day everyday if i let him
he wants to go potty outside instead of inside
he always wants to pray at dinner time
he has amazing manners (if i forget, he always reminds me too)
he says the funniest things ("mom, you are the BEST.........putter in time-out-er!")
he is caring and giving to others
he is an incredible scooter rider (and can ride a 2 wheel bike)
he started learning sign language and it fascinates him
he thinks he has the best daddy and he tells everyone that
he plays the wii way too much and he's way to good at it
he has an awesome imagination
he could play by himself for hours, "reading", playing cars, setting up his train set, or the wii :)
he is quiet
he loves to cuddle
he has the best grouchy face
he is the only one in the family who drinks milk
he randomly says "i love my family"
he will not walk in the rain or on the wet ground
he is so funny...on purpose!
he is 4 now and i will miss 3, 3 and a quarter and 3 and a half and 3 and three quarters, but now i have 4 and i will enjoy every minute of it!
i love this boy.


brittany said...

happy birthday to sawyer! i am so sad we missed his party. i bet it was spectacular. tell him how much we love him and give him a big squeeze for us. he is my favorite boy ever (well except for finn).

ps. your kids are totally rockin' the justin timberlake in that one pic :)

Jan F said...

So fun to read about Sawyer. I'm so glad you are posting again. I always enjoy what you write.

Hugs for you!